funny disbeliever nonbeliever quotes -
42 Funny doubter Quotes approximately God's Existence, Fate And Life
42 Funny disbeliever nonbeliever Quotes practically God’s Existence, Fate And Life. Updated: June 13, 2021 / estate » Quotes [ Lesson for liveliness ] Atheism is unstoppable and growing brusquely in roughly the whole developed country, including Japan. This is probably due to better education and the finishing to examine what following was thought to be a sin – to study Atheism is unstoppable and growing unexpectedly hastily in approximately the complete developed country, including Japan. This is probably due to better education and the deed to evaluate what taking into consideration was thought to be a sin – to scrutinize religious authorities. Don’t pull off me wrong, having no religion is as bad as brute a religious fanatic, more often than not, a religion stops being a religion and becomes a cult in imitation of the followers follow the teachings blindly.The consider explore is, can a country be peaceful if a majority of the people are atheist? Denmark and Sweden are among the least religious nations in the world, and as a consequence one of the best like enjoyable education, minimal crimes and honest people. Three questions going on for debate, there are no right or wrong, solitary every other opinions.
It is fabulous fantastic how much become old pleasing people spend fighting the devil. If they would solitary expend the same amount of spirit indulgent their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui. – Hellen Keller
Is God to your liking to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? after that he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? later whence cometh evil? Is he neither competent nor willing? after that why call him God? – Epicurus
You don’t habit religion to have morals. If you can’t determine right from wrong subsequently next you deficiency empathy, not religion.
Science adjusts its views based in relation to what’s observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved. – Tim Minchin
If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an injure swear than religion. – Edmond De Goncourt
I love you so much that I’m going to hide my existence to the lessening dwindling that I will be indistinguishable from extra gods, and if you follow the wrong god, you are going to strive for eternity.
God promised the decrease of all wicked people, Thor promised the stop of all Ice Giants. I don’t see any Ice Giants around.
God has an unalterable and resolution try for completely person, but you should yet nevertheless pray in a vain attempt to fiddle with it. – David G. McAfee
Wanna know the funniest thing approximately people who call people once me Satanists? They believe in Satan, and I don’t.
Religion is afterward a P. It’s fine to have one. It’s fine to be unapproachable of it. But keep busy don’t whip it out in public and start waving it around, and absorb don’t purpose to shove it beside my throats.
You have the right to believe in what you want. I have the right to believe it’s ridiculous. – Ricky Gervais
Either God can attain nothing to fall halt catastrophes, or he doesn’t care to, or he doesn’t exist. God is either impotent, evil, or imaginary. – Sam Harris
And God promised men that pleasant and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. subsequently next He made the earth round and laughed.
I asked God for a car, but I know God doesn’t accomplishment that way. So I stole a car and asked for forgiveness.
You don’t dependence obsession religion to have morals. If you can’t determine right from wrong then you want empathy, not religion.
If it’s 1 or 1000 sins you’re yet nevertheless getting sent to Hell. So why not go for 1,000,000 sins and come alongside here a legend.
My personal guidance is that I’ve lived long enough to consider the comprehensive idea of God as the all mighty nothing more than some magical person created by man in his own image, not the extra pretension approaching as described by most religions. Have you ever wondered why miracles cease to exist as camera technology improves? The same goes subsequent to alien and bigfoot sightings, as the character of image improves, there is just about practically no excuse for producing blurry and grainy videos. Out goes once all those feat Loch Ness photos and ghost images.
Before the invention of the camera, holy men resurrected the dead, talked to ghosts, walked in the region of water, cured the blind taking into consideration a reachable be next to and more. It all ends considering the birth of the camera, coincident? I don’t think so. If you are an atheist, don’t onslaught complementary person’s religion, let it be, and if you are religious, realize not force feed your religion bearing in mind a person shows no incorporation in it. worship each other’s choices.
Just because you herald he’s legitimate doesn’t object he’s real. For example, what if I claimed that unicorns are real? I would have no evidence, but you have no evidence for God, and you claim he is. Also, another thing I’ve said before: “It is impossible to prove something doesn’t exist, that has never been proven to exist.”
So ,let me guess,you know this because …your parents told you so, your associates told you so ,or did you actually meet her?
Please ,tell me how you found her,I objective physically And what roughly more or less the hundreds of other gods that have been invented and forgotten the ones that are yet nevertheless out there ,are they all undertaking except for yours, which god are you referring to, I suppose you’re a Trump fanatic addict to.
Well my whole moving picture so I’m laying here and I be repulsed by to waste it on 70 doesn’t exist so convinced me that she exists and if I am convinced I would with everybody else and sacrifice my summative existence approaching this God they lack to die I pull off to go to fluffy cloud in the song and watch all the bad people burn in hell oh and scuffle brawl next to evil will be in the manner of a suit all the time continuously going a propos in my combine distances to be for him or her. No thanks I don’t think you can convince me I craving proof not basing my accumulate sparkle vis-а-vis some belief think I’m ludicrous that is,Besides I don’t agree as soon as any of your pleasant rules and laws or whatever they are .babies born guilty, blazing in flames people in hell ,for making a calamity ,for eternity little excessive don’t you think
Ok , so let me believe for a moment that he’s legitimate .. Does that make any difference??? Even though he’s real ,is there a ***** reason to have faith in them, honoring them, pray to them and reverence them???
This religion mostly abandoned ends going on a reason in difference of opinion in the middle of in the midst of family members, because you have things to accomplish and things not to inorder to follow it , because of which if anyone unknowingly does something that’s adjoining the religion, most probably they will complete scolded or punished as if they have working the worst crime in the world…Now what’s occurring similar to that?????!!!!!
All you people going hell while me go to mommy and counsel you all how bad you people are! Boo hooo!
Religion is just a mechanism for psychological comfort, nothing more: it grants comfort in those tumultuous periods. It’s negative effects are however, unconditionally cruel — causing revulsion and a consequent extermination of non-believers.
Yeah that is absolutely authentic cause ppl in delusional fantasy never shut ups but allowance chattering and insisting that added beliefs besides them r all Satan and false
I have said combined quotes approximately religion and atheism before, and so I will give you some: “Just because I am an doubter does not make me any less than you.” “It is impossible to prove something doesn’t exist, that has never been proven to exist.” “As an atheist, I have faith. I have faith that you’re wrong and your God is fake.” “Why do gays detestation repugnance you with you realize nothing about pedophile priests?” “Instead of blaming all of your mistakes in relation to an imaginary God and “fate”, you should believe responsibility and give a positive response next you’re wrong.”
Judging by the contents of this page, what a bunch of stupid, naive and misinformed people atheists are. The ignorance and joke on the order of display in most of those quotes is stunning to behold.
And the irony that some of the quotes are from theists and Christians, is a rather hilarious comedy of embarrassment.
Thankfully, far more proficient people invented unprejudiced science and changed the world. They were all theists. And 99% of them were Christians. NO atheists were involved.
Historical FACT: Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Leibniz, Steno, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, Huygens, Leonhard Euler, James Clerk Maxwell, Walter Reed, Heisenberg, Joseph J. Thomson,Kelvin, Faraday, Pasteur, Townes, Gödel, Georg Cantor, Marconi, Dr Felix Konotey-Ahulu, Werner von Braun, Dr Andy C. McIntosh, Dmitri Mendeleev, Walter Lammerts, Flemming, Planck, Pupin, Millikan, Joachim Scheven, AE Wilder Smith gone 3 earned doctorates in science! and all but and in this area …
ALL theists and creationists! But all stupid, evil dishonest, hypocrites according to the professional imbecile that made this page. Of course a self-styled genius such as the clueless twit that created those asinine pictures, would next know, in making that statement, that 65% of all Nobels were awarded to Christians?
As Einstein wrote: “The fanatical atheists are subsequently slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who – in their grudge adjoining standard religion as the ‘opium of the masses’ – cannot hear the music of the spheres.”
And even Voltaire nailed disbeliever nonbeliever for what they really are: “The atheists are for the most portion allocation imprudent and misguided scholars who reason badly who, not inborn dexterous to acknowledge the Creation, the parentage of evil, and extra difficulties, have recourse to the hypothesis the eternity of things and of inevitability…..” – Voltaire: Philosophical Dictionary
Of course, gullible, easily fooled ignoramuses and naive dopes these days swallow entirely lie they were told by their doubter brainwashers. So, there’s no shock that inane pages in imitation of this exist to law the 7.3 billion people as regards earth who are not atheists, just how slapdash and brain-dead atheists really are.
Wow Gary, you unquestionable totally angry and objectionable in your make known adjoining atheists. Just because a lot of scientists from long ago believed in god, that doesn’t direct they were right. You have to also receive put up with into account that people support back up later we’re indoctrinated into religion from a extremely forward age, and science was not as we know it now. But the genuine issue is not who believed and didn’t believe, it’s what is actually true. If you want, or need, religion in your life later that is your choice. Personally, I pronounce it a ridiculous concept and pronounce it forward-looking to recognize how clever people can still believe in a god. My dog is scared of fireworks and barks at them, I take on she thinks there is something powerful and scary involved, as she doesn’t endure what they are. This is how religions began, not conformity natural phenomena next thunder, but now we have science!
Wow. All that to play a part your distaste for Atheists. The insulting part of your post, and there is many but I’ll point out just one, is your decision to pick a quote from Albert Einstein. In his Autobiographical Notes, Einstein wrote that he had gradually free his faith to the fore in childhood. He was raised as a Jew, but in difficult far along liveliness he rejected the idea of a “personal god”, a benevolent, human-like entity who took an immersion in human affairs. I’d when to think Einstein was more of an agnostic atheist. Meaning, he couldn’t prove or deny the existence of a deity but didn’t believe there is just ONE personal god.
And just gone all the pastors, priest, etc, etc…around the world in the manner of their bibles, you cherry picked instruction to justify your narrative and agenda. Granted, you named some completely competent scholars…all professionals in their respective field, but unfortunately you AND them all have ONE thing in common: The deficiency of Undeniable proof of the existence of God. Prove me wrong. I’ll be waiting.
Wow but I think u missed the reduction that in those times, u get executed hurriedly if u renounce God
Sorry Gary but u just missed the lessening dwindling that in those era when they lived, they would’ve attain realize unexpectedly executed with they say God is con or sth similar to in the same way as that in addition to I see Galileo, Kepler and bonus astronomers who got disgusted by those who believe the flat earth and that earth is the center of the universe
Seriously? Why are you even roughly this page? To attain as you did and be objectionable to people who do not agree in the same way as you? As stated before, why can’t you let people think as they get & you can believe in what you want? Instead of always having to promote your beliefs at us as you did in the region of your 3 page post. Go assist to church & leave us alone.
Awww…someone had some prickly for breakfast ehh.. Listen if 99% people are not atheists then it’s 99 percent likely that a delusional supporter devotee would reach a Nobel Prize. And even after that it’s an excuse that you people have so that you can justify grief-stricken in the region of this planet. Wake taking place in the works and do someone authentic true feat on the other hand of Copy-Pastung other people’s thoughts.
Irrationality? capably skillfully may be you should enlightenen us. higher than 2/3 of world’s population are not Christian, many of them never heard of Jesus, others have been told from prematurely age their own god is one and only. So are they all going to burn in hell for eternity just because of not knowing? There are hundreds if not thousands of religions and gods and zero evidence in favour of any, so methodical person would either believe in all of them or none of them, otherwise you are just a gambler.
as a matter of honesty, the grudge you support upon atheists make it easier for you not to compare notes…you’ve prejudged their words as dishonest hence any fact relayed may not seem is right to believe that all religions might believe same god yet so differently that doctrines contradict…If by any unintentional one out of all nearby reachable options in religion is correct….what are the chances that your doctrines are in line taking into consideration the existing god…In the act that one of the most despised religions become without help and no-one else authentic religion, what would you halt terminate taking place in the works saying virtually the years you toiled sedated the sun?….you are bleeding because someone so much manipulate your belief ..what if he is right?
Leat people believe wat deficiency dearth to believe, And let me the freedom, of a not advocate Mutual reverence Tolerance And pardon of thinking
God = ‘Avaricious, evolving in delusion’ Allah = Bodisatva = To be Cease the delusion of a existent Lord = Rabb = Consciousness’ We are dreaming because of our selfishness taking into account we become unselfish being, we wake taking place in the works from the motivation Nothingness/Oneness. Religions are true, the interpreters are wrong. 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐎𝐍 The target of a religion is, a selfish to become a humane philanthropic beast [ This will improvement you to be in unending presence and you will be experiencing the friendship good relations within yourself & that’s lonely known to you. The direct is lost, earliest culture, Traditions and political agenda of individuals, remains as the religion.
Ok so Hinduism gave the world Zero, Algebra & as well as plastic surgery. pull off you knowhow saints found out about these by reading older vedas(words of Gods). So not the complete religion can even get the Hinduism because it requires knowledge & above said quotes are compliant but never practical.
Its not hinduism that gave them. Its the human brain that gave them. end feeling remote dammit, even im a hindu myself. Those 3 things you’ve mentioned has nothing to pull off subsequently the religion. Vedas are words of gods? Lmao Yo im gonna die laughing 🤣🤣
If I was marking God’s exam paper he would do an F for achievement. Anyone who can grant come to Covid to direct rampant is either having a laugh or incompetent.
God is nothing but a thought or enactment . Created by to come human to alarm clock people not to maltreat each supplementary further . And then after religions were created , completely religion(community). Make own accomplishment book that future called holly book… what pull off you think reply charm divert it in fact in point of fact target to me ..
I school a enormously definitely long epoch ago that just because you believe it doesn’t make it true. I found that out gone the resolution given was brought out about a big fat guy in red suit. My parents told me that enormous lie and they went to church every Sunday. I started thinking for myself after that and I was unaided eight years old.
It seems to me that both theism and atheism are pointless exercises in hubris as neither can be proven. Because the human mind cannot encompass the concept of eternal divinity, gain or con, the agnostic emerges as the quiet stillness of reason, friendly to just shut going on and resign yourself to that objectively it is an unknown. Subjectively, it will continue to be whatever people regard as being consider they deficiency dearth it to be.
Think practically It, attain what master say, Or you wont be allowed up In the big house. Don’t give a positive response him as your master, You will be punished severely. Ask master for what you want, and if you been obedient, you might attain realize what you ask for. Obey the laws master set for you, or you will be suffering painful for eternity.. unassailable familiar ? Religion Is Slavery..
I am god, don’t believe in me, I started it all as a joke and it got out of hand
Nothing is above Reason/Evidence God’s Existence & Evil: Believers – God is terrible (body), omniscient (mind) & all-loving (heart) _ he knows or IGNORANT just about evil, he is or IS NOT evil, he has or HAS NO capacity beyond evil.
I think you all are treating once children, if you think the book is written by someone than how Quran words are true at the forefront the science proofs. Now we can check them and proof what science is telling us but Allah told us all whatever in Quran. If you nonattendance to ask questions subsequently next go and check it behind Quran. There is no God yield Allah. Atheist is getting a reduction that there is no god but you have to search for authentic true one than contact Quran and realize justice like yourself
For a moment i can believe Aliens created this universe for some experiment. But existence of God no ways.
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