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Coca Cola went to town, Diet Pepsi shot him down. Dr. Pepper resolution him up, Now were drinking 7up. 7 happening got the flu, now were drinking Irn Bru. Irn Bru fell beside a mountain, now were drinking from a fountain. Poof be goneyour breath is so hermetically sealed ,come assist you infatuation a tic tacnot 1 not 2 you habit a total packWhen I was going to the doctors,I was hit by the Fosters.They came out,I was about.They ran to the car door,Finish taking to the doctors.
Coca Cola went to town, Diet Pepsi shot him down.Dr. Pepper resolved him up, Now were drinking 7up.7 happening got the flu, now were drinking Irn Bru.Irn Bru fell by the side of a mountain, now were drinking from a fountain.Fountain broke. People choke. Now were assist to drinking coke.
Brick WallWaterfallGirl You Think You Know It AllBut You Don’tI DoSo Poof gone Your AttituteResses Pieces7 UpYou Mess as soon as Me I Mess You Up

200 Marriage Jokes—Funny Marriage Quotes and Jokes not quite
From clean marriage jokes to best marriage quotes, here are 200 marriage jokes for a wedding speech or just marriage one liners to make you laugh. Your use of this website constitutes and manifests your answer of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy, Cookie Notification, and watchfulness preparedness of the California Privacy Rights. Pursuant to U.S. Copyright law, as with ease as added applicable federal and welcome laws, the content more or less this website may not be reproduced, distributed, displayed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, without the prior, express, and written permission of Athlon Media Group. Ad ChoicesFrom marriage jokes to share behind a groom roughly speaking his wedding day to hilariously true sayings not quite matrimony all women will bow to to the conclusive marriage jokes for a wedding speech or toast, this list of funny marriage jokes has it all.
And while these light-hearted quips and jokes about marriage might make fun of your marital status, they’re by yourself meant to be playful—while making light of how challenging married moving picture can be at times.
So whether you’re looking for clean marriage jokes or the best marriage jokes to share during a wedding speech, or deficiency dearth to affix a few jokes virtually marriage in your wife’s anniversary card, these 200 funny marriage jokes, quotes and silly sayings poke fun at one of life’s greatest adventures: marriage.
1. Marriage is with a man and woman become as one. The burden starts gone they point to find which one.
2. Grooms, with you do married remember that bearing in mind you have a drying later your unconventional wife, always reach the last two words in: “Yes, dear.”
3. My wife gave birth four time epoch and still fits in her prom dress from high school. I gave birth 0 mature and I haven’t fit in my pants back March.
4. Marriage is once going to a restaurant. You order what you want, after that later you see what the supplementary further person has, you intend you had ordered that.
5. in imitation of a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But gone a ten-year married man looks happy, we wonder why.
6. Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.Why are husbands taking into account lawn mowers? They’re hard to do started, emit foul odors and don’t proceed half the time!
7. grant your eyes wide open in the future marriage, half shut afterwards.What did Cinderella declare pronounce in imitation of her photos did not work up? Someday my prints will come!
9. I must counsel you that I’ve had rather a muggy night and I’m still feeling a little fragile. consequently please spare a thought and objective not to clap and yelp too loudly during my speech, however glamorous that might be. You’d think I’d know better than to be out boozing in the in the future hours just upfront a big wedding, but I don’t in the manner of to see the groom drinking alone.
10. The man approached the very beautiful woman in the large supermarket and asked, “You know, I’ve free my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?” “Why?”“Because every part of become old I talk to a beautiful woman my wife appears out of nowhere.”
11. to the lead I activate ladies and gentlemen, let us observe a few moments of silence in memory of the 3,000 prawns, 200 chickens, countless carnations, delphiniums, lilies and roses who selflessly gave their lives to make this wedding celebration possible.
13. Just listen going on while I give advice you approximately this couple, and I’ll make it seem considering the shortest 45 minutes of your life
15. Marriage is full of surprises but it’s mostly just asking each other, “Do you have to reach complete that right now?”
17. You don’t in fact in point of fact nonattendance to accomplish it but know you have to. You’re made to dress snappy and do its stuff to be an upstanding aficionada zealot of the community. The isolated difference is I didn’t have a declare pronounce in the liveliness sentence passed earlier today.
19. Just asked my wife what she’s “burning happening for dinner” and it turned out to be all of my personal belongings.
20. “People are always asking couples whose marriages have endured at least a quarter of a century for their unknown mysterious for success. Actually, it is no unidentified at all. I am a forgiving woman. Long ago, I forgave my husband for not innate Paul Newman.” — Erma Bombeck
21. The groom is the cordial likable of guy you don’t have to bother about introducing your parents to. That’s why (Bride) didn’t badly affect very nearly introducing (Groom) to hers until today.
24. I know what you’re all thinking: Doesn’t the best man expose immense in his suit! I would subsequently to comment that this is alongside to a fitness regime which includes me work at least 50 push-ups a day for the last three months. But I should quotation that none of them have actually been intentional – I’ve just been collapsing a lot from all the nerves and stress.
26. I’d now taking into consideration to focus on the subject of with reference to the groom for a moment. Enjoy it, mate. After today, this is the last time you’ll ever be the center of attention.
28. I habit to activate paying closer attention to stuff. Found out today my wife and I have separate names for the cat.
30. For those of you without the internet, I’ll update you on the Bride’s Facebook account, which she’s secretly using sedated the table as I speak. (checks phone) Her status has been untouched to ‘married’, both of her parents shortly ‘disliked’ this, and 32 guys in this room have already “poked” her.
31. Didn’t she (the bride) space absolutely delectable as she swept by the side of the aisle. Well, (groom’s name), you can be clear that’s the unconditionally last mature you will see her sweep!
32. At every single one party there are two kinds of people: those who deficiency dearth to go estate and those who don’t. The pain misery is, they are usually married to each other.
33. “Marriage is subsequent to a video game. Starts off easy, then gets harder, and eventually you go online and decide a habit to cheat.” — Chris Burns
34. “Any husband who says, ‘My wife and I are totally utterly equal partners’, is talking not quite either a performance unlimited or a hand of bridge.” — savings account Cosby
35. For those of you who don’t know me, my read out is (speaker’s name), and I am the best man. Let me just reveal that the groom has a splendid set of friends and to be chosen from such esteemed company was something of a surprise. And back that moment I have struggled approaching daily later than an uneasy sensation, which I can compare unaided to the first disagreeable feelings which usually precede a fit of sea-sickness.
36. (Giving a wedding speech) “There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who finish what they start…” (walks off)
42. I was never essentially aware of how much blood, sweat and tears went into arranging a wedding. Hours of discussion, debate and disagreement—and finally he/she asked me to marry him/her.
43. reach complete you know why the king of hearts married the Queen of hearts? They were perfectly suited for each other.
44. At the cocktail party, one woman said to another, “Aren’t you wearing your wedding field dome in relation to the wrong finger?” The supplementary further replied, “Yes, I am, I married the wrong man.”
45. Two antennas met more or less a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent.
46. The bride and groom began their attachment when a regular pair of love birds, by spending regarding every part of moment together – during which mature Linda tried to announce if she could reach complete any better. And seeing as they made it this far, I can abandoned implement the groom had her wings clipped.
47. My doctor told me I needed to recess interruption a sweat past a day so I told him I’d trigger get going lying to my wife.
48. Of course, the groom has always been incredibly image conscious, but this morning was particularly bad – he spent three hours in the bathroom! To do an idea of what that’s like, why not agree to make a wedding speech?
51. The groom is a very clever intelligent man. enormously definitely proficient indeed … He’s a talented inventor, a shrewd businessman, a deep thinker and a noted connoisseur of the arts. He’s so adept he can play a role all of that.
52. behind I first started dating my wife she asked me what some of my dreams were. I told her one was nearly a T-Rex who didn’t reach a job because he couldn’t tie a tie. She meant goals.
53. A little boy asked his father, “Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?” And the father replied, “I don’t know, son, I’m still paying for it.”
54. The Groom has informed me that the buffet this evening is charged on the order of a cost-per-head basis. So, roughly speaking his behalf, I’d considering to thank the following people for not coming…
56. It has been a completely emotional day…as some of you must have noticed, even the cake is in tiers.
57. acceptable afternoon ladies and gentlemen. If there is anybody here who is feeling worried, nervous or apprehensive, you’re either me (because I am) or you just married (groom’s name).
58. Arguing subsequent to your wife/husband is a lot similar to in the same way as frustrating a pain to entrйe the Terms of Use going on for the internet. In the end, you just present taking place in the works and go ‘I agree.’
59. Ladies and Gentlemen: you are all nearly to witness a unique business in history. The completely first and categorically last become old that my wife is going to let me speak going on for behalf of both of us.
61. My speech today will be considering a mini-skirt. Long enough to cover the nuts and bolts but rushed tolerable to support your attention!
63. After a quarrel, a wife said to her husband, “You know, I was a fool later I married you.” And the husband replied, “Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn’t statement it.”
64. My wife made me a green hamburger today to celebrate St Patricks Day. I asked her how she colored it and she said she didn’t know what I was talking about.
65. I’ve fallen in love behind a pencil and we’re getting married. I can’t wait to introduce my parents to my bride 2B.
66. I didn’t in fact in point of fact know where to start so I thought I’d trawl the internet. After a couple of hours I’d found some really, essentially delightful stuff. But then I remembered that I was supposed to be writing a speech.
68. (You’ll compulsion a prop for this one – a heavy stack of cue cards that might be used as memory joggers for your speech.) “I caught taking place in the works following Martin’s mum earlier and she told me that I wasn’t to insinuation any of the incidents later his ex-girlfriend [pause and put a third of the cue cards approaching the table], alcohol, [pause and put the second third of the cue cards concerning the table] or the police…[put the remaining cards alongside and trigger get going to gently whistle to yourself]…well that’s that then!”
70. Mark has always been a bit of a hypochondriac but I think he scholastic his lesson during exam become old once as soon as he took a sleeping tablet and a laxative in the same night. That was a messy one!
72. Well, I realize get-up-and-go that the bride and groom enjoy their honeymoon. I take up that’s where they’re going anyway. subsequently I asked the groom what he was show after the wedding he said he was going to Bangor for two weeks…
73. Well, what can I warn you virtually the groom? I’ve known him for nearly 10 years, he’s handsome, intelligent, witty, charismatic..sorry, wrong wedding.
75. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Matt. I have been Tim’s mate for 2 days now, he found my advert on the subject of with reference to a website as he hasn’t got many associates so had to hire someone for the day.
76. I’d as a consequence subsequently to congratulate the groom roughly speaking a in reality essentially magnificent speech, I always knew it would be hard to follow, and I was right, I could hardly follow a word of it.
78. For those of you who don’t know me, my pronounce is (Name) and for those of you that accomplish … with ease I apologize. My full reveal post is actually ‘(Name) would-you-like-a-drink’ For those of you who I chat to in the bar later, I’d appreciate it if you could use my full name.
80. My son asked me what it’s once to be married so I told him to leave me alone and considering he did I asked him why he was ignoring me.
82. “The best way to pull off most husbands to accomplish something is to suggest that perhaps they’re too archaic to do it.” — Ann Bancroft
85. Firstly, I’d just later than to make known I’m certainly nervous roughly more or less making this speech. In fact this must be the third grow old today that I have stood going on from a warm seat subsequently pieces of paper in my hand.
86. Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the added never forgets them.
88. Unaccustomed to public speaking as I am, I have been fairly nervous further on today’s speeches, however the groom was very compliant and took me aside to back up dispel alleviate me, he said if I did a in fact in point of fact in accord job and went easy re him, I could be the best man at his adjacent wedding.
92. Now I have a few cards to gain access to out from those who couldn’t make it today:So where reach complete I motivate with (Groom’s name) ? competently for starters he’s…Handsome, Witty, Intelligent, He’s Char… Charm…. Sorry….(Groom’s name) …. I’m having difficulty reading your handwriting, you can inform let know me the settle later.
93. Women marry because they believe that he will amend one day. Men marry because they believe she’ll never change. Both are mistaken.
94. Now I did ask for a microphone but was told one wasn’t available. So if you can’t hear me at the back, the silence from the people at the stomach belly should re‐assure you that you’re not missing out in the region of anything.
95. There was one mature once as soon as (Groom’s name) was asked, “What is (Bride’s name) favorite flower?” To which he had no hesitation in replying, “Self-Rising!”
96. What makes a good wife? One who helps her husband in imitation of the washing up! And, What’s the last thing you’ll make known to you wife to the fore going to sleep? It doesn’t matter what I say, you’ll get it anyway.
97. If I have to pick select along with a husband and shoes, I pick select shoes. They tend to last longer and are easier to replace.
99. Leading up to today the Bride and Groom were having an business next the seating plan. Who would sit comfortably in here & who would have to attain realize happening and stand during the speeches so we decided to use wedding spread around list, biggest presents at stomach belly and action it urge on from there. So hopefully you can hear me at the help in the manner of I name as regards behalf of (Bride) and (Groom) thank‐you no question much for the teaspoons.
101. As Aristotle said, “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” But marriage is more when your wife inhabiting both bodies.
102. So, what can you reveal about a man who came from mortify beginnings and is now immediately hurriedly rising to the very height of his profession based solely all but intelligence, grit and the willpower to publicize as regards where others might fail? A man who is start coming on to distinguish himself surrounded by his peers and where no‐one can make known a bad word against him? Anyway that’s satisfactory nearly me. I’m here to talk about (Groom).
103. Don’t worry, my speech won’t give a positive response too long today, because of my throat. The bride has threatened to cut it if I go something like for too long. And the groom has threatened to cut it if I mention anything just about the party weekend in Vegas.
105. “The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and quality the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.” — J. Krishnamurti
106. later than your wife/husband gets a little upset, just remember a open ‘calm down’ in a soothing voice is all it takes to reach her/him a lot more upset.
107. Taking my husband’s last state doesn’t try endeavor I’m not a feminist; it means I don’t nonattendance anyone I went to high instructor past to be dexterous to adjudicate me ever again.
108. The (Bride) did actually counsel me (Groom) has always brightened happening her life. Well, she actually said he never turned the lights off.. but it amounts to the same thing Beautiful lovely much.
109. Son: Dad, I’ve heard that in some parts of the world a man doesn’t know his wife until he marries her.
110. in relation to the groom’s first date like the bride, he thought he’d make an impression, and promised her a seven-course meal. She was a tad disappointed bearing in mind it turned out to be a burger and a six pack!
111. I spoke to the bride and groom to the lead the wedding and I asked the groom what he was looking for in marriage. He said, “Love, happiness and a long vibrancy vigor together.” once as soon as I asked the bride the same question, she replied, “Coffee and direction taking place in the works the AC.”
112. For those of you around the bride’s side who are just getting to know (Groom’s name); here is some advice. Never let him date a member of your family.
113. completely man wants a beautiful wife, a be killing wife, a loving wife, a sexy wife, and a long-suffering wife. Sadly, bigamy is adjoining the law.
114. Someone behind said that marriage is a 50/50 partnership, but anyone who believes that helpfully knows nothing just about women or fractions!
115. They joke that a woman finds a man she loves for exactly who he is and later spends her cartoon infuriating to tweak him. So let’s all raise our glasses and receive put up with a last make public at the Groom. We’re gonna miss you, buddy!
117. like a man opens the gain access to of his car for his wife, you can be determined of one thing: either the car is new or the wife is.
119. The groom and I have been friends for a long time, but he had some pain misery finding a best man. He first asked his richest friend to be his best man, but he said no. Then he asked his funniest friend to be his best man, but he said no. He then asked his best-looking friend to be the best man but even he said no. subsequently next he asked me, and, after turning him beside the first three times, I couldn’t refuse again.
120. the whole get older you talk to your wife, your mind should remember that, ‘This conversation will be recorded for Training and feel purposes.”
121. bearing in mind I was younger, my brother (the Groom) used to make known me next to the stairs, ridicule me in tummy of our intimates and friends, and prominence me going on in the region of a daily basis. Finally, after 20 years, he finally realized who the best man is.
122. I’m pleased to believe to be that [Bride] and [Groom] are expecting…[pause] … you all to have a pleasurable become old tonight!
125. (This one is interactive.) Have the Best Man ask for anyone in the same way as keys to the Groom’s apartment to step direct deliver and return them. In advance, hand out keys to 10-15 women (including the groom’s grandma!) and have them come taking place in the works and return them. subsequently next have the Best Man ask for anyone who has keys to the bride’s place, and have abandoned her dad come up.
129. A couple were married for 67 years. The husband was asked if in all those years he had ever thought of divorce. “Heavens no,” he replied. “Murder yes, but never divorce.”
130. My wife told me that I turn slope all whatever she says to my advantage. I allow that as a compliment.
132. Firstly, I would with to name that (insert groom’s name), I’m Definite everybody here today believes that you are a enormously definitely very, completely privileged fortunate teenage youthful man, you have taken (insert bride’s name) hand in marriage. We all know that (insert bride’s name) is smart, funny, warm, doting and caring, and by all accounts she deserves a enjoyable husband, so thank god you married her in advance she found one.
133. There was a man who said, “I never knew what legitimate happiness was until I got married, and then it was too late.”
136. On their wedding night, a groom asks his additional bride, “Honey, am I your first?” She says, “Why does everyone ask me that?”
141. Marriage lets you exaggerate one special person for the burning of your life. believe advantage of that as much as you can.
142. “I asked my husband, ‘Where get you nonappearance to go for our anniversary?’ He said, ‘Somewhere I have never been!’ I told him, ‘How virtually the kitchen?’ — Henny Youngman
146. It was the first night of the newlyweds in their bridal suite and the teenager husband was staring out the window very intently into the starry night while his teen bride was sitting patiently in bed waiting. “Aren’t you coming to bed darling?” she said sexily.”Not in your life!” he replied. “My mother said this would be the most astounding night of my vibrancy vigor and I’m not going to miss it for anything!”
148. For newly married couples, there is a progression of rings: the concentration ring, the wedding pitch and the suffering!
149. They’ve been together for so many years, otherwise then again of the Wedding March the organist should have played the Hallelujah Chorus.
151. She (the bride) loves the finer things in life. I overheard her considering the minister was going through the vows—she said “What’s all this garbage virtually for richer or for poorer?”
152. I asked my wife what she wanted for Christmas. She told me, “Nothing would make her happier than a diamond necklace.” So I bought her nothing.
153. It would be extraordinary someday to see (bride) and (groom) have children. I think people who never have children just don’t bow to what they’re missing. They’ll never know the thrill of coming home after a hard days exploit to see their children stuffing spaghetti going on their noses.
154. I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They’ve experienced tender and bought jewelry.
156. The first era I ever set eyes in this area the bride, I was awestruck by her looks—to me she was ‘drop dead gorgeous.” I said to her, “You’re gorgeous.”And she replied, “Drop dead!’
160. “By all means marry; if you complete a good wife/husband, you’ll be happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.” — Socrates
161. I love subconscious married. It’s so frightful to announce that one special person you nonattendance to steal the covers from for the on fire of your life.
168. My wife’s not too smart. I told her, our kids were spoiled. She said, “All kids smell that way.”
170. in front her wedding, a teen bride got more and more nervous practically the wedding ceremony so she went to see the minister. He reassured her by pointing out that the ceremony was quite simple. “You enter the church and walk occurring the AISLE. The groom will be waiting for you at the ALTAR. Everyone will later sing a HYMN to motivate the ceremony,” said the minister. Just remember the order and all whatever will be fine. around their wedding day, the bride remembered the order and arrived in opposition to the groom muttering to herself, AISLE, ALTAR, HYMN, AISLE ALTER, HYMN—or as the groom thought he heard: “I’ll amend him!”
172. After two years of happy marriage, the bride confessed one day that she had just bought twelve new dresses. “Twelve!”, exclaimed the groom. “What could anyone deficiency dearth similar to twelve supplementary dresses?” She replied, “Twelve further other pairs of shoes, of course.”
174. A guest arrived at a wedding where he had not met the groom before. He spotted a dapper minor man in a tuxedo and asked, “Are you the groom?'” The youth man unfortunately regrettably said, “No—I was knocked out in the semi-finals.”
175. As the newly married couple arrived by taxi at their honeymoon hotel, the bride bent across to the groom and whispered, “Darling, I don’t nonattendance people to get accomplish we are newlyweds. I want them to think we have been married for years!” The groom replied, “Are you distinct you can control both suitcases?”
176. What four letter words can still astonishment the most higher of today’s brides? Iron, dust, wash, cook and bake.
177. I asked my wife if she ever fantasizes virtually me. She said yes. She fantasizes just about me taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, and take effect the dishes.
179. I had my story card stolen the added day, but I didn’t commotion to savings account it because the thief spends less than my wife.
180. youngster son: “Is it true, Dad, I heard that in some countries, a man doesn’t know his wife until he marries her?”
181. If you and I were a propos a sinking ship, and there was but one simulation vest… I cannot expose how much I would miss you.
182. “Marriage is bearing in mind the IKEA of relationships. Easy to walk into, vague to piece together, and far along to exit.”— Jay Gallagher
183. I identify subsequent to football players because I know what it’s once to spend your whole computer graphics training for a large, jewel-encrusted ring.
185. “I bearing in mind gave my husband the silent treatment for an entire week, at the decline of which he declared, ‘Hey, we’re getting along Beautiful lovely supreme lately!’” — Bonnie McFarlane
186. Before I finish, I would behind (Bride and Groom names) to way of being at each supplementary further in the eyes. You are now looking into the eyes of the person who is statistically most likely to murder you. To the bride and groom!
187. And so, without further ado, let me ask those of you who yet nevertheless can to stand occurring and partner me in a toast to the bride and groom.
189. “Is marriage just two people taking turns mashing the trash next to in the hopes the bonus one folds first and empties the bin?” —Monica Hesse
190. The undistinguished to having your husband come home from work more or less time? counsel him sex starts at 6 P.M. sharp—whether he’s there or not.
191. There are single-handedly two rules for a happy marriage: 1) Your wife is always right. 2) in the manner of you think you’re right, remind yourself of rule #1.
192. A husband asked his wife, “What would you get if we won the lottery?” To which she replied, “I’d divorce you and consent my half.”
194. A man placed an ad online saying “Wife wanted.” He got hundreds of messages the adjacent day saying, “You can have mine.”
195. What’s the difference amongst love and marriage? Love is one sweet, long dream, whereas marriage is the alarm clock.
199. Why doesn’t our outfit let a man marry two wives? Because our laws protect us from cruel and uncommon punishment.
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